Oswald Spencer Resident Evil

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Oswald Spencer Resident Evil 6,5/10 5654 votes

George Trevor & Oswell Spencer's RE7 Plantation TheorySubscribe ►RE7 Theories ►DESCRIPTION:The Abandoned Plantation in Dulvey, Louisiana may be somehow connected to Umbrella founder Oswell Spencer, Specer Mansion Architect from Resident Evil 1 George Trevor (Lisa's dad) or both! Looking into all the similarities between this and other Spencer/Trevor creations. New leaked images and demos give potential clues.LINKS:Reddit Image Leak:-RESIDENT EVIL 7 VIDEOS:RE7 News ►RE7 Characters ►RE7 Predictions ►RE7 DLC Downloadable ►Beginning Hour Secrets ►WHERESBARRY ONLINE:Twitter ►Facebook ►Twitch ►MUSIC CREDIT:Kool Kats by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license Source:Artist:RE7 FONT CREDIT:Font Via Peter Jonca at snakeyboy.deviantart.com/.


Oswald Spencer Resident Evil 1

Lord Oswell E. Spencer is the overarching antagonist of the Resident Evil video game series. Lurking in the shadows and rarely seen, he is the president of Umbrella, a major bio-weapons manufacturer hiding behind a pharmaceutical facade. A man of great wealth and power, he was an aristocrat with a keen hobby in art collecting.

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